
Programs & Events

On the 6th and 7th of January every year, we hold a special event for widows and less privileged children. We come with a well-qualified team of medical professionals and experts in various fields to…


Education for Orphans

Knowledge is at the heart of what we do. We therefore provide educational support for orphans and other children who truly want to go to school but don’t have the necessary finances from their family…


Support for Widows

Rather than receive help from their in-laws, most widows in Nigeria are automatically turned to victims of their unfortunate circumstance. Nigerian widows urgently need your support & care for their children.


Health For Less Privileged

We provide free health tests, over-the-counter drugs, counselling, and other medical assistance for the less privileged. We also give free hospital referrals for very serious cases that may require…


Financial Support

Every donation you give makes a difference to the lives of those who have served our nation. We give financial support for widows who are either already trading; or are willing to engage in some sort of business …


Supports & Donations

Uche Odoputa Foundation is committed to fighting for these helpless women and giving them hope and a voice in the midst of all the chaos. We listen to their stories and protect them from wicked in-laws that ….